Homepage of PD Dr. Corinna Schmitt

Welcome to my homepage!

Here you can find information about me and my research as Head of Secure Communication Systems (SeCoSys) at the Research Institute CODE, Universität der Bundeswehr München (engl. University of Bundeswehr Munich), Germany. The research spans over several application areas (e.g., IoT, Aeronautics, eHealth, Automotives) through the complete stack with special focus on security, privacy, communication strategies and networks in order to establish strong, secure, and trustworthy data collection, processing, and access. As technology is developing fast and is under attack continously it is important to strengthen the basic security support of any development and integration in existing and new solutions without forgetting the stakeholders with their needs, wishes, and individuel experiences. Thus, I perform also investigations in the socio-economic area to address this dimension in the protocol, software, and hardware delevopments. For further information check it out under my research section. Several results are integrated in national and international projects such as NEWSROOM, AMIUS, symbIoTe, SmartenIT, and AuTHoNe. As it is important to per active in the community and share gained knowledge results are also published at different venues and partically also undergoing the standardization process. For details check out my publication section. Importen for me is also the tight binding between reseach and education and,thus, all activities are integrated also in my academic world where details are available under my teaching section.

Now some secrets of this homepage are revealed, but guaranteed not yet all, so on it goes to rummage. Have fun!

In case you are intersting in my activities do not hesitate to contact me per mail or snail mail.

Recent News:

  • 2024-07-19: Accepted invitation for the panel "Künstliche Intelligenz in der Verteidigung" by the Militärischen Cyberzentrums des Österreichischen Bundesheers in Vienna, Austria for the 25. Anniversary of the Militärischen Cyberzentrums
  • 2024-06-13: Notification received for article publication "Post Quantum Secure Handover Mechanism for Next Generation Aviation Communication Networks" in IEEE Transactions on Green Communications and Networking
  • 2024-06-07: Panel discussion at ILA Stage Advanced Air Mobility on the topic "Safety and Security: How can Drones improve security"
  • 2024-01-24: Publication of the "IT-Grundschutz-Profil für den Betrieb von UAS Band 1: UAS-Betriebskategorie "Open" (Offen)" as joint work of the UAV-Dach e.V. - Group IT Security and Safety
  • 2023-12-01: Job offer Research Assistants (m/w/d) at the Faculty of Computer Science at the Research Institute CODE for "Realization of Innovative Technical New Features and Concepts"
  • 2023-12-01: Project NEWSROOM funded by the EDF funding scheme of the EU starts
  • 2013-10-01: Project NCC-DE funded by the EU DIGITAL starts
  • 2023-03-25: RFC 9372 entitled "L-Band Digital Aeronautical Communications System (LDACS)" was published by the IETF
  • 2022-11-22: Homepage online for the 2nd Workshop on Secure and Reliable Communication and Navigation in the Aerospace (SRCNAS) is online!
  • 2022-10-18: Accepted invitation to serve as evaluator for the EU HORIZON Calls on Increasing Cybersecurity (second round of calls)
  • 2022-06-30: Accepted invitation to FG IT-Sicherheit of UAV DACH
  • 2022-03-30: Accepted invitation for the panel "Access denied? Über den erschwerten Zugang zu öffentlichen Geldern für Start-Ups" at the Publicpreneurship Day
  • 2022-01-01: Project AMIUS funded by the Bavarian Aerospace Program starts
  • 2021-11-15: Accepted invitation to serve as evaluator for the EU HORIZON Calls on Increasing Cybersecurity
  • 2021-09-27: Inaugural Lecture "Risikoerkennung und -minimierung in der vernetzten Welt" (engl. Risk detection and minimization in the connected world) University of Zurich, Zurich, Switzerland
  • more