If publications are not online available do not hesitate to contact me!
In addition to the publications mentioned, further technical reports have been produced in the context of national and international projects (e.g., CONCORDIA, BERKoS, AutHoNe, SmartenIT, FLAMINGO, NSN, EADS, symbIoTe), as well as various seminar proceedings during my employment at the Technische Universität München, the University of Zurich and the Research Institute CODE.
Futhermore, I published several online news around the EU project SmartenIT that are not listed below but can be found here!
Within the EU Projects FLAMINGO I was involved in online course material that are not listed below but can be found here!
Currently three publications were awarded as best papers, where one receive two awards at one conference.
At the moment several publications are in the review process, so check the categories regularly to see new publications.
Click on the category your are interesting in to receive the complete list:

- Book / Book Chapters
- Journal Articles
- Conference and Workshop Papers
- Oral Presentations (e.g., panels and invited talks)
- Standardization Documents
- Posters
- Demonstrators
List of received awards (see Conference and Workshop Papers)
- Best Paper Award in Track Cyber Security and Software (CSS) @ the 10th Digital Avionics Systems Conference (DASC) 2021
- Best Paper Award in Session Cybersecurity (CSS-3) @ the 10th Digital Avionics Systems Conference (DACS) 2021
- Best Paper Award in Track Cyber Security and Software (CSS) @ the 9th Digital Avionics Systems Conference (DASC) 2020
- Best Paper Award in Session Cybersecurity (CSS-3) @ the 9th Digital Avionics Systems Conference (DACS) 2020
- Best Paper Award in Session Secure Communication (CSS-3) @ the 38th Digital Avionics Systems Conference 2019
- 1st Place - Best Professional Paper Competition @ the Integrated Communications, Navigation and Surveillance Conference (ICNS) 2019
- Best Paper Award @ the Asia Pacific Conference on Wireless and Mobile (APWiMob) 2017