Open Topics
BA/MA Theses

Topics of interest within SecureWSN (IoT area)
- none available at the moment
Topics (BA/MA) in cooperation with the Institute of Perception for Autonomous Driving (TAS) at UniBw M:
- Are you passionate about autonomous driving, AI and pioneering mobility technologies?
- Explore student thesis opportunities and contribute to the future of mobility.
- Available topics and contacts can be found here.
Topics (Internship/BA/MA) in cooperation with external partners: (If security clearance exist, application process will be faster. But do not hesitate the contect email to get a few more details in advance before handing in the application.)
- Similarity Search for Network Traffic Fingerprinting in the Internet of Things (IoT) (pdf, BA/MA)
- Exploring LoRaWAN Technology - A Comparative Analysis of Network Features, Coverage, and Security(pdf, Internship/BA/MA)
- Usage of MASQUE in an anonymization network (pdf, Internship/BA/MA)
- Mobile Communication Message Security Analysis with Machine Learning (pdf, BA/MA)
- Mobile Communication Reverse Engineering File format (pdf, Internship/BA/MA)
- Mobile Communication RRC Message Security Analysis (pdf, MA)
- Mobile Communication Broadcast Message Security Analysis (pdf, MA)
- Next-Generation Wi-Fi Hotspots: Network Discovery and Authentication(pdf, BA/MA)
Topic descriptions are partially online else available on request!
The content of the proposed topics will be adapted to the thesis type and can be shifted a bit based on discussions and interest.
Different ideas exist? Come over and talk!
Competence Trainings (ger. Kompetenztraining; currently only German title announced, English no problem)
- Aktualisierung von Sicherheitsfeatures in SecureWSN
- Auslagerung von Bibliotheken in Konfigurationsdateien für WebMaDa
- Integration eines Updatemechanismus für Messintervalle in SecureWSN nach dem Prinzip der bidiektionaler Kommunikation
- Qualitätssicherung der Weboberfläche des mobilen Frameworks von SecureWSN
- Technische Analyse von Kommunikationsstandards
Different ideas exist? Come over and talk!
Running and Advised Theses
@ Research Institute CODE, University of Federal Armed Forces Munich, Munich, Germany (Status Sep. 24, 2024)
Theses marked with * are supervised at the Ludwig-Maximilian University.
Running Theses/Trainings
- Analyse und Umwandlung von TEMS Logs zu PCAP (BA) (*)
- Automated Identification of Web Service Binaries in IoT Linux Firmware Samples (BA) (*)
- Enrichment of BLE devices Advertisements with Location Information in Android (BA) (*)
- Entwicklung eines Modells für Handlungsanweisungen zur Abwehr von Cyberangriffen (BA) (*)
- HAIFA 2.0 - Home Automation in RUST (BA)
- Reducing Attack Surfaces in Containerized Environments Through Threat Modeling (MA) (*)
- Waiting for you!
Concluded Ph.D. (1. Supervisor)
- Trustworthy Context-Aware Access Control in IoT Environments Based on the Fog Computing Paradigm
Concluded Master Thesis (parts with industry)
- Advanced Drone Communication Analysis
- Analysis of Tracker Network APIs (*)
- Certificateless DTLS in Wireless Sensor Networks (*)
- Control Plane Security of LDACS
- Design and Development of an Urban Air Traffic Flow Management Module for Deconfliction (*)
- Design and Implemetation of a Code-Staging Solution for WebMaDa
- Evaluating Trust Solution in Digital Aeronautical Communications Systems (*)
- Implementation and Evaluation of an ETSI compliant MEC System (*)
- ID-based Signing with Group IKEv2 in Constrained Networks (*)
- Implementation of an ETSI-compliant Object Recognition MEC App with Focus on Communication to Edge Devices (*)
- Role/Attribute-based Privilege Management for WebMaDa (*)
- Quantum Secure Public-Key Encryption in IoT Networks (*)
- Schwachstellenanalyse Mercedes "Hermes" Head Unit (HU) und Telematic Control Unit (TCU)
- Secure Routing in Aeronautical Ad-Hoc Networks (*)
- Single Common Information Service Provider for Constrained Networks (*)
Concluded Bachelor Theses (parts with industry)
- ADIP - An Android Device ID And Parameter Display App (*)
- Aggregation Support in Constrained Networks following TinyIPFIX under RIOT OS (*)
- Automated Identification of Proprietary Web Service Binaries
- Automatisierte IT-Security-Tests im Software-Entwicklungsprozess - Einsatz von Schwachstellenscannern (*)
- Automatisierung des Labelings von IoT-Kommunikationsdatenstr¨omen im maschinellen Lernen (*)
- Benchmarking für Basisfunktionalitäten in WebMaDa (*)
- Capabilities and Limitations of Localization Mechanism in 5G Mobile Networks (*)
- Code-Documentation of WebMaDa in SecureWSN (*)
- Comparison of Machine Learning Classification Architectures for IoT Communication Data (*)
- Controller-based Routing in Mobile Ad-hoc Networks (*)
- Creation of a home automation system linked to SecureWSN (*)
- Design & Implementation of a Raspberry Pi Gateway for SecureWSN (*)
- Design and Implementation of a Geospatial IoTNaming System: Database and Web Application
- Design and Implementation of a Geospatial IoTNaming System: Geographic Polygons
- DTLS-based Security Solution for Constrained Devices using Contiki (*)
- DTLS Key Establishment in Wireless Sensor Networks (*)
- Entwicklung einer automatisierten Schwachstellenanalyse der Automotive Cloud
- Evaluation des Potenzials hfürherwertiger SIBs (System Information Broadcast) in 5G und 4G Netzen (*)
- Evaluation of open-source web application vulnerability scanners (*)
- FBS GUARD - A False Base Station Detection Tool for Modern Cellular Communication Standards (*)
- Feature Engineering IEEE 802.15.4 Wireless Personal Area Network (WPAN) Communication Data (*)
- Function Fingerprinting in 5G Core Networks (*)
- Implementation and Analysis of the TOR protocol for Edge Cloud architecture (*)
- Indoor Localization under RIOT OS (*)
- Indoor Localization without GPS under RIOT OS (*)
- IoT-Security for BPL-Access-Networks in Critical Infrastructures (*)
- Untersuchung des Zusammenhangs zwischen Zellmorphologie und Zellmobilität (*)
- MARTEN 2.0 - Dynamic Trust Check (*)
- Migrating and Evaluating Obfuscator-LLVM (*)
- Network Ownership Transfer of WSNs Inside a Closed Network
- Optimization of Processing and Validation of Incoming Sensor Data in an Improved Development Environment (*)
- Performance Analysis of Standard Lightweight Block Ciphers in Comparison to AES (*)
- Predicting Movement Paths From Cell Change Events (*)
- Radio Resource Control: Angriffsklassifikationen und exemplarische Implementierung (*)
- Raspberry Pi CoMaDa Instance Supporting Different Operating Systems and Features in Parallel (*)
- Recognition of Text Origin in German Language using ML Classification Models (*)
- Requirement Analysis and Recommendations for Future Quantum-Safe Certificateless Solutions in Constrained Networks (*)
- Sicherheitskonzept für Fahrzeugarchitekturen mit Fokus auf ein spezifisches Angriffsscenario
- Simulation of Antenna Placement for Communication- and Navigation-Infrastructure (*)
- Standard-based Threat Analysis of WebMaDa (*)
- TinyIPFIX-based Data Collection in Constrained Networks under RIOT OS (*)
- Trustworthiness Check for Environmental Measurements in CoMaDa (*)
- USB Port Hacking in an Automotive Setting
- Vergleichende Analyse von BLE Tags inkl. Dissektorenentwicklung (*)
- Visualization of Collector Status with Interaction Triggering in a Dynamic Floor Map (*)
- XACML Policy Verification for Attribute Based Access Control by AI Deployment (*)
Concluded Competence Trainings
- Bidirectional communication in constrained devices
- Data Filtering Options Extension - Part 1
- Data Filtering Options Extension - Part 2
- Dockerimagebildung unter RIOT-OS auf Raspberry Pi - Part 1
- Dockerimagebildung unter RIOT-OS auf Raspberry Pi - Part 2
- Einarbeitung in die Python Programmierung unter Linux
- Qualitätssicherung der Weboberfläche des mobilen Frameworks von SecureWSN
- Upgrading SecureWSN's Virtual Machine
- SecureWSN 's Virtual Machine Migration
@ Communication Systems Group, Department of Informatics, University of Zurich, Switzerland
Concluded Bachelor Theses
- Data Gathering in Wireless Sensor Networks using IPFIX under Contiki
- Design and Implementation of a Module Framework for Sensor Data Management
- ECC-based Security Solution for Contiki-based Sensor Networks
- Handling of Privilege Requests in WebMaDa
- Security, Privacy, and Transparency Improvements of CoMaDa
- Secure Data Transmission in Contiki-based Constrained Networks Offering Mututal Authentication
- several further theses as second advisor
Concluded Master Theses
- Design and Implementation of a Mobile App to Access and Manage Wireless Sensor Networks
- Design, Implementation, and Evaluation of an Object Tracking Motion Detection System
- Reliable Beacon Detection
- Optimization of Two-way Authentication Protocol in Internet of Things
- Secure Position Data Transmission for Object Tracking using LoRaWAN
- Secure Pull Request Development for TinyIPFIX in Wireless Sensor Network
- Security Improvement for Object Tracking in IoT
- Value-Network-Analysis for IoT Platforms
- several further theses as second advisor
Concluded Assignments (VA)
- Classification and Analysis of Security Protocols and Algorithms for Constrained Networks
- CoMaDa Extension Addressing Transparency Request for Data Owners
- Database Solution for Sensor Data with Authorized Data Access Solution
- Design of a DDoS Filtering System for Regional Customers Protection
- Extending the Graphical User Interface CoMaDa with Contiki Support
- Guideline for Mapping Security Solutions of Wireless Sensor Networks to Security Fundamentals
- Modular ADCP Parser
- Offline Method for Graphical Visualization of Sensor Data
- Security challenges in contactless payments solutions
- WebMaDa Extension Addressing Transparency Request for Data Owners
Concluded Software Projects (SP)
- Development of a Minimum Spanning Tree Algorithm as a Software-Defined Networking Application
- Modeling and Simulating a Green Traffic Engineering tool applied to an SDN environment
- Optimization of TinyIPFIX Implementation in Contiki and Realtime Visualization of Data
- Routing for Energy Efficiency in Software-Defined-Network
Concluded Computer Science Internship
- TinyIPFIX Aggregation in Contiki
@ Chair for Network Architectures and Services, Department of Computer Science, Technische Universität München, Germany
Concluded Bachelor Theses
- Bidirectional Data Querying with TinyIPFIX
- Data Aggregation using TinyIPFIX in Wireless Sensor Networks
- Data Collection in a Wireless Sensor Network for Autonomic Home Networking
- Framework Development for Wireless Sensor Networks facing Configuration and Information Exchange/Export Tasks
- Kommunikationsstandards in Wireless Sensor Networks
- Leistungsbewertung von Routingprotokollen in drahtlosen Sensornetzen
- Secure communication in Wireless Sensor Networks
Concluded Master Theses
- A Security Architecture for Wireless Sensor Networks based on DTLS (in Cooperation with CSIRO, Brisbane, Australia)
- DTLS implementation for constraint sensor hardware
- Implementierung und Leistungsbewertung von Kommunikationsprotokollen auf Sensorknoten - Thema 2: Routing
Concluded SEPs
- Network Access Control based on Platform Integrity Measurement
- Secure Enrollment of Certificates for User Authentication
Concluded Zulassungsarbeit
- Security Analysis For Very Constrainted Objects