Further Education
- IETF 112, remote
- CODE-Jahrestagung, Neubiberg, Germany
- IETF 111, remote
- 10th Digital Avionics Systems Conference, remote
- International Conference on Networked Systems (NetSys 2021), remote
- ETSI Security Week 2021, remote
- IETF 110, remote
- ProfiLehrePlus Seminar: Prüfungsrecht in der Hochschullehre
- Starting Event "Horizont Europa"
- 18th ACM Conference on Embedded Networked Sensor Systems (SenSys)
- NKS-Online Seminares for Horizon Europe Cluster 4
- International Digital Security Forum Vienna, remote
- IETF 109, remote
- CODE-Jahrestagung, Neubiberg, Germany
- 18th ACM Conference on Embedded Networked Sensor Systems
- Workshop "Writing Professional Project Proposals", Munich, Germany
- 16th International Conference on Wireless and Mobile Computing, Networking and Communications
- IETF 108, remote
- 6th IEEE International Conference on Network Softwarization, remote
- ASUT - Kommission Normen CS4 Meeting, Bern, Switzerland
- LRZ Course - OpenCL Programming for Intel FPGAs, Garching, Germany
- CPS-IoT Week 2020, Sydney, Australia
- ProfiLehrePlus Seminar: Videos in der Hochschullehre, Munich, Germany
- ProfiLehrePlus Seminar: Tipps und Tricks für Ihr Online-Lehre, Munich, Germany
- ProfiLehrePlus Seminar: Hochschullehre digital: Unterrichtsgestaltung mit Webinaren und Onlinekursen, Munich, Germany
- Symposium on Security & Privacy, remote
- 2nd KuVS Fachgespräch Network Softwarization, Tübingen, Germany
- Online Kongress Cyber Security: Ursprung von Vertrauen und Vertrauenswürdigkeit im Cyberspace
- IETF 107, Vancouver, Canada
- Webinar - Rethink! IT Security from Home
- Podiumsdiskussion - Deutsche Sicherheitsinteressen an internationalen Seewegen, Munich Security Conference, Munich, Germany
- Global Solutions for Global Challenges - The Need to Defend Multilateralism in 2020 by Ban Ki-moon, TUM Speakers Series: Leaders and Shapers, Munich, Germany
- Webinar: Fundamentals of 5G Transformation: Security and other Associated Challenges
- Webinar: Controlled Remote Access to OT Environments
- Workshop Technology driven Resilience in Austria, Vienna, Austria
- Kolloquium Aeronautical Engineering - Aktuelle Zustände und zukünftige Tendenzen von UAV-Systemen in der Luftwaffe, University of Federal Armed Forces Munich, Neubiberg, Germany
- IoT4 Critical Assets Europe, Munich, Germany
- IETF 106, Singapore, Singapore
- Künstliche Intelligenz und die Automation des Entscheidens, Munich, Germany
- Webinar: Privacy, security, data and trust: a look at the future of data risk management
- IETF 105, Montreal, Canada
- Airbus Cybersecurity, Lunch & Learn, Taufkirchen, Germany
- CODE-Jahrestagung, Neubiberg, Germany
- CYBERWOMEN 2019, Munich, Germany
- Interim-Meeting, IETF RAW, Paris, France
- 28. Cyber Security Day Munich, Bundesamt für Sicherheit in der Informationstechnik (BSI), Allianz für Cyber-Sicherheit, Munich, Germany
- Webinar: Smart IoT at the Edge, IoT World 2019
- Webinar: Privacy Framework - The Information Governance and Cybersecurity Intersection
- IETF 104, Prague, Czech Republic
- International Conference on Networked Systems (NetSys 2019), Munich, Germany
- Quantum Computer - Why Is It a Cyber Security Threat?, Vienna, Austria
- AIT Cyber Range: Training and Simulation for Securing Critical Infrastructures, Vienna, Austria
- Vienna Cybersecurity Week 2019, Vienna, Austria
- Sicherheitsnetzwerk Munich: Talking Heads, Rohde & Schwarz Cybersecurity GmbH, Munich, Germany
- IEEE GlobeCom, Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates
- Industrial Security Breakfast, Munich, Germany
- MINT Solutions - Die Rolle der IT Projektmanager in Zeiten der Agilität, Munich, Germany
- ASUT - Kommission Normen CS4 Meetings, Bern, Switzerland
- ITC 30 - Teletraffic in a Smart World, Vienna, Austria
- Webinar: Blockchain - Hype or Innovation?
- CODE-Jahrestagung, Neubiberg, Germany
- 44.asut Seminar, Bern, Switzerland
- DFG-Antragsstellung, Munich, Germany
- AIMS, Munich, Germany
- IFIP Networking, Zurich, Switzerland
- Webinar: Architecting a Security, Privacy and Compliance Ready Data Science Platform
- Webinar: Reflected File Download (RFD) - Still Threatening the Biggest Names on the Web
- 20. Key Note Event - IT Security by bosshard and Partner, Zurich, Switzerland
- IEEE 4th Workshop Forum on Internet of Things, Singapore, Singapore
- Workshop on Business Modell Innovation, Singapore, Singapore
- Webinar Trust in IoT
- Webinar The Bridge between Data and Things - Low Power Network - The first Swiss network for the Internet of Things
- Euroresearch Next Generation Internet Workshop, Bern, Switzerland
- ASUT - Kommission Normen CS4 Meetings, Bern, Switzerland
- Webinar LoRaWAN 1.1 by The Things Network
- IoT European Platforms Initiative - Review and Cluster Meeting, Athens, Greece
- Institutsseminar Informatik 3 - Technische Informatik, Universität der Bundeswehr München, Feldafing, Germany
- Lab Session at AIMS 2017: Programming Smart Contracts, Zurich, Switzerland
- AIMS 2017, Zurich, Switzerland
- Code Jahrestagung, Munich, Germany
- Fifth SG13 Regional Workshop for Africa on "ITU-T Standardization Work on Future Networks: Towards a Better Future for Africa", Cairo, Egypt
- Cloud Security, Dr. C. Park, IEEE Computer Society Webinar Series
- Blockchain Meet-up Basel, Basel, Switzerland
- Make Zurich 2017: Hackathon
- Webinar "The State of Cybersecurity in 2017", Alex Holden, Bright Talk
- ITU Cybersecurity Workshop, Geneva, Sitzerland
Other years
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