Teaching Activities

@ Communication Systems Group, Department of Informatics, University of Zurich, Switzerland

Besides lecturing I supervise students in their trainings and final theses. For details click here.

  • 1 Ph.D. Thesis
  • 8 Master Theses
  • 6 Bachelor Theses
  • 10 Assignments (ger. Vertiefungsarbeit)
  • 4 Software Project
  • 1 Computer Science Internship
  • Further ones as second advisor.

Courses Overview (e.g., lecturer substitute or organizer)

Lecture Computer Engineering and Communication Networks

  • B.Sc.
  • Autumn term: 2017
  • Lecturer and exercise organizer
  • Description: Students will receive the required insights into basic foundations on computer engineering and communication networks. More specifically, the lecture will teach computer arithmetics, combinatorial circuits, sequential circuits, computer architectures and organization, communication architectures, network building blocks, shared links, packet switching, end-to-end protocols, security mechanisms, and selected Internet applications. Overall, students will be able to understand which performance restrictions computer hardware involve, how inaccuracies in computing may occur, which communications can be reliable, which ones may be secured, and how the basic inter-operations of the Internet works.

Lecture Mobile Communication Systems

  • B.Sc. and M.Sc.
  • Spring terms: 2014 - 2018
  • Lecturer and exercise organizer, teaching assingments 2018-2015
  • Description: Based on the basic knowledge on communication systems as well as distributed systems the specifics of communications in the wireless and mobile domain are addressed. Those include technical basics, media access schemes, and signals. In a more detailed view mobile and wireless telecommunication systems are discussed, which include GSM, UMTS, satellites, and radio. The Local Area Network is addressed in terms of WLAN technology, bluetooth, and some further examples. The development of these systems into an Internet usage is shown by discussing Mobile IP as well as mobile transport protocols. Finally, mobility support for wireless transactions and file systems as well as deployed technology scenarios are discussed.

Lecture Informatik I (Part TGI)

  • B.Sc.
  • Autumn terms: 2013 - 2016
  • Lecturer and exercise organizer
  • Description: The course is read in two parts: Introduction to Programming (Prof. Gall) and Technical Fundamentals of Computer Science (TGI) (Prof. Stiller). The part on the technical basics of computer science covers the following areas: Switching networks, switching mechanisms, computational arithmetic, computer and computer architectures, instruction sets, operating systems, organization of computing systems, communication and distributed systems.

Seminar Communication Systems

  • B.Sc. and M.Sc.
  • Spring terms: 2014 - 2018
  • Organizer and supervisor of various topics
  • Description: Communication systems provide today the infrastructure needed for successful exchange of data and information. For this purpose, communication systems constitute a critical contributor to reliable and robust business operations both for SMEs as well as large international corporations with multiple, geographically distant establishments. This seminar sheds light on selected aspects of communication systems in terms of public telecommunication systems as well as the Internet. Aspects of interest range from reliability, performance, security to usability of communication systems.
  • Topics advised:
    - Trusted Computing for Wireless Sensor Networks
    - TCP/IP for Wireless Sensor Networks
    - AAA Support by the RADIUS and the Diameter Protocol
    - Introduction to LoRaWAN

Seminar Internet Economics

  • B.Sc. and M.Sc.
  • Autumn terms: 2013 - 2017
  • organization and supervisor of various topics
  • Description: The content of this seminar will address very current topics and questions on the Internet Economics - covering technical and economic aspects always in an inherent manner. The dedicated topics will be announced during the kick-off meeting for all people interested. They will most likely include security, charging, regulation, communications, incentives, P2P systems, and decentralized systems aspects.
  • Topics advised:
    - Certificates
    - Security Policy Reconfiguration Solutions in Wireless Sensor Networks
    - Watermarking in Sensor Data Sets
    - Comparison of IoT Business Models
    - Vulnerabilities, Defence Strategies, and their Economic Consequences for Constrained Networks
    - Attack Models in the Internet of Things

Membership in Commissions

  • 2015 - Assessment Commission Member for Lectureship at Schools, University of Zurich (CH)
  • 2008-2013 - Appointment Committee Member for Professorship of Computer Science, Technische Universität München (GER)

Teaching Activities Before and After