
Journal Articles

  • S.Khan, G.S.Gaba, A.Gurtov, L.J.A.Jansen, N.Mäurer, C.Schmitt: Post Quantum Secure Handover Mechanism for Next Generation Aviation Communication Networks. IEEE Transactions on Green Communications and Networking, pp. 1-17, New York, NY, USA, DOI: 10.1109/TGCN.2024.3417298, June 2024
  • N.Mäurer, T.Gräupl, C.Schmitt, G.Dreo Rodosek, H.Reiser: Advancing the Security of LDACS. IEEE Transactions on Network and Service Management, Vol. 19, No. 4, pp. 5237-5251, New York, NY, USA, DOI: 10.1109/TNSM.2022.3189736, December 2022
  • N.Mäurer, T.Guggemos, T.Ewert, T.Gräupl, C.Schmitt, S.Grundner-Culemann: Security in Digital Aeronautical Communications A Comprehensive Gap Analysis. International Journal of Critical Infrastructure Protection, Elsevier, pp. 1-21, vol. 38, Amsterdam, NL, DOI: 10.1016/j.ijcip.2022.100549, July 2022
  • N.Mäurer, T.Gräupl, C.Schmitt, G.Dreo Rodosek, H.Reiser: Advancing the Security of LDACS. IEEE Transactions on Network and Service Management, Vol. 19, No. 4, pp. 5237-5251, New York, NY, USA, DOI: 10.1109/TNSM.2022.3189736, July 2022
  • C.Schmitt: Standards und Sicherheitsaspekte von IoT-Netzwerken. Sichere Kommunikation als Basis für IoT, OVEaktuell Schwerpunkt GIT/IoT, Newsletter OVEaktuell, OVE Österreichischer Verband für Elektrotechnik, December 2018
  • L.Kristiana, C.Schmitt, B.Stiller: Reliable Vehicular-to-Vehicular Connectivity. ERCIM News, Special Issue: Autonomous Vehicles, No. 109, pp. 32-33, April 2017
  • P. Porambage, M. Ylianttila, C. Schmitt, P. Kumar, A. Gurtov, A. V. Vasilakos: The Quest for Privacy in the Internet of Things. IEEE Computer Society, IEEE Cloud Computing, Vol. 2016, No. 3, pp. 34-43, New York, NY, USA, DOI: 10.1109/MCC.2016.28 April 2016
  • C.Schmitt, T.Kothmayr, B.Ertl, W.Hu, L.Braun, G.Carle: TinyIPFIX: An Efficient Application Protocol For Data Exchange In Cyber Physical Systems. Journal Computer Communications, Vol. 74 (2016), pp. 63-76, Elsevier, Atlanta, GA, USA, DOI: 10.1016/j.comcom.2014.05.012, June 2014 online, January 2016 printed
  • P.Porambage, A.Braeken, C.Schmitt, M. Ylianttila, B.Stiller: Group Key Establishment for Enabling Secure Multicast Communication in Wireless Sensor Networks Deployed for IoT Applications. Journal IEEE Access, New York, NY, USA, Vol. 3, pp. 1503-1511, DOI: 10.1109/ACCESS.2015.2474705, September 2015
  • C.Schmitt, B.Stiller: Secure and Efficient Wireless Sensor Networks. ERCIM News, Special Issue: The Internet of Things and The Web of Things, No. 101, pp. 18-19, April 2015
  • P.Porambage, C.Schmitt, P.Kumar, A.Gurtov, M.Ylianttila: PAuthKey: A Pervasive Authentication Protocol and Key Establishment Scheme for Wireless Sensor Networks in Distributed IoT Applications. International Journal of Distributes Sensor Networks - Special Issue on Advances Convergence Technologies and Practices for Wireless Ad Hoc and Sensor Networks, Hindawi Publishing Corporation, pp. 1-13, London, United Kingdom, pp. 1-13, DOI: 10.1155/2014/357430, May 2014
  • R.Garg, C.Schmitt, B.Stiller: Investigating Regulative Implications for User-generated Content and a Design Proposal. PIK - Praxis der Informationsverarbeitung und Kommunikation. Vol. 37, No. 1, pp. 3-13, ISSN (Online) 1865-8342, Walter de Gruyter GmbH, Berlin, Germany, DOI: 10.1515/pik-2013-0042, December 2013 online, March 2014 printed
  • T.Kothmayr, C.Schmitt, W.Hu, M.Brünig, G. Carle: DTLS Based Security and Two-way Authentication for the Internet of Things. Journal Ad Hoc Networks, ELSEVIER, Vol. 11, Issue 8, pages 2710-2723, Elsevier, Atlanta, GA, USA, DOI: 10.1016/j.adhoc.2013.05.003, November 2013

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