
Oral Presentations


Safety and Security: How can Drones improve security. ILA Stage Advanced Air Mobility, ILA 2024, Berlin, Germany, June 7, 2024

CONCORDIA and Beyond. CONCORDIA Cybersecurity Summit, Stockholm, Sweden, March 20, 2023

Die Zukunft der Cyber-Sicherheitsforschung in Deutschland & Europa mit anschließender Themendiskussion. BSI im Dialog, Bonn, Germany, March 7, 2023

European Cybersecurity Community. CONCORDIA Open Door 2023, Munich, Germany, October 27, 2022

What's next?. CONVERGENCE NEXT 2022, Brussels, Belgium, June 3, 2022

Access denied? Über den erschwerten Zugang zu öffentlichen Geldern für Start-Ups. Publicpreneurship Day, Neubiberg, Germany, March 31, 2022

Future trends and perspectives in maritime communications. IEEE International Conference on Cyber Security and Resilience Workshop on Maritime Cyber Security, July 27, 2021

Future Priorities and EU Cybersecurity Roadmaps. Shaping the Future of Cybersecurity - Priorities, Challenges and Funding Opportunities for a More Resilient Europe,, July 13, 2021

Developing a cyber resilient business world and society. Vienna Cybersecurity Week 2019, Rethink Cybersecurity, Vienna, Austria, March 14, 2019

Panel Discussion: Security and Privacy in the Internet of Things. IFIP Networking 2018, Zurich, Switzerland, May 16, 2018

Panel Discussion: Action Plans for Future ICT Infrastructure. ITU Workshop on "Future Trust and Knowledge Infrastructure", Phase 2, ITU-T, Geneva, Switzerland, July 1, 2016

Invited Talks

EU Evaluatortätigkeit und Ablauf. Bundesamt für Sicherheit in der Informationstechnik; Bonn, Germany, April 11, 2024

Sniffing IEEE 802.15.4 Communication and its Avoidance. Airbus Cybersecurity, Lunch & Learn, Taufkirchen, Germany, November 17, 2023

Sniffing Drone Communication using PSAT. AMIUS Workshop, Airbus Urban Mobility, Munich, Germany, July 13, 2023

Vorstellung des Nationalen Koordinierungszentrums für Cybersicherheit in Industrie, Technologie und Forschung. CODE Jahrestagung, Workshop 4 - Fördermassnahmen im Bereich Cybersicherheit in den EU-Förderprogramme 'Horizont Europa' und 'Digitales Europa' - Chancen, Beteiligungsregeln und Erfahrungswerte, Neubiberg, Germany, July 12, 2023

Die drei ??? der Cybersicherheit. IMPACT 2023 by SBA Research, Vienna, Austria, June 13, 2023

Cyber Campuses and Similar Frameworks in Member States. NCCs WEBINAR: Cyber campuses and similar frameworks in Member States, remote, June 1, 2023

ECCC and it's National Coordination Centres (NCC). CONCORDIA Cybersecurity Summit, Stockholm, Sweden, March 20, 2023

The Informatics Rubik's Cube Digitization . Colloquium Department of Informatics, Universität Wien, Vienna, Austria, May 30, 2022

NCC-DE Introduction. The Sparta Days 2022, Munich, Germany, March 10, 2022

Der informatische Zauberwürfel Digitalisierung . Colloquium Department of Mathematics and Informatics, Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität Münster, Münster, Germany, March 8, 2022

Teamwork - Der Schlüssel für die Digitalisierung. Colloquium Department of Applied Informatics, Universität Augsburg, Augsburg, Germany, January 17, 2022

Securing Aeronautical Links. Colloquium Department of Informatics and Mathematics, Hochschule München, Munich, Germany. October 22, 2021

Risikoerkennung und -minimierung in der vernetzten Welt (engl. Risk detection and minimization in the connected world). Inaugural Lecture, University of Zurich, Zurich, Switzerland, September 27, 2021

LoRaWAN: From Theory to Practice. SummitUp Special, SBA Research, Vienna, Austria, June 7, 2021

Train Your Defense by Transforming to Offense - Benefitting from Neural Networks to Increase own Security. Colloquium Department of Informatics, Technische Hochschule Ingolstadt, Ingolstadt, Germany, March 19, 2021

Artificial Intelligence Combined with the Internet of Things. Workshop Cyber Resilience of Critical Infrastructures at the CODE Annual Conference, Neubiberg, Germany, November 11, 2020

Artificial Intelligence as Driving Engine for Security Enhancements in CPS Applications. University of Applied Science Ravensburg-Weingarten, Weingarten, Germany, November 2, 2020

Digitalization Curse or Blessing - Can I still trust the system?. Technische Universität Hamburg-Harburg, Hamburg, Germany, January 27, 2020

A Trustable System to Monitor Constrained Devices. Airbus Cybersecurity, Lunch & Learn, Taufkirchen, Germany, December 20, 2019

SecureWSN: User Request(s) Nased Mobile Access Solution. Federal Criminal Police Office (Bundeskriminalamt), Berlin, Germany, April 3, 2019

Incentives Analysis to Attract (Secure) Solution Design. Vienna Cybersecurity Week 2019, Vienna, Austria, March 15, 2019

Strengthen Cybersecurity by an Data-driven Adaptive Approach. Vienna Cybersecurity Week 2019, Vienna, Austria, March 15, 2019

Establishing Usable Security Gaining Trustworthy Services in IoT. SBA Research, Vienna, Austria, March 13, 2019

Authentication in IoT Networks. Security Seminar at LORIA, Nancy, France, November 15, 2018

Establishing Usable Security Gaining Trustworthy Services in IoT. University Duisburg/Essen, Department Engineering, Group Embedded Systems, Duisburg, Germany, October 26, 2018

RI CODE - About US: Mission, Strategy, Research. Deutsches Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt (DLR), Oberpfaffenhofen, Germany, October 18, 2018

IoT Connectivity vs Privacy Requests. Fifth SG13 Regional Workshop for Africa on "ITU-T Standardization Work on Future Networks: Towards a Better Future for Africa", Cairo, Egypt, April 1, 2017

Secure Data Exchange and Access in Constrained Networks. Cyber-Physical-Systems Security Symposium, Universität der Bundeswehr München - University of Federal Armed Forces Munich, Munich, Germany, February 17, 2017

Mobile and Trusted Communication in the Internet of Things. Swiss National Foundation, Bern, Switzerland, January 11, 2017

Rising Privacy Issues Due to Today's IoT Development. IoT Kolloquium at AIT DSS Alle Department Digital Safety and Security, Vienna, Austria, December 2, 2016

IoT Platform of the Future. Institut d'informatique Universite de Neuchatel (IIUN) Seminar, Institut d'informatique Universite de Neuchatel, Neuchatel, Switzerland, July 23, 2016

The Quest of Privacy. ITU Workshop on "Future Trust and Knowledge Infrastructure", Phase 2, ITU-T, Geneva, Switzerland, July 1, 2016

Unsere kleinen Helfer im Alltag - die Sensoren. Club Evening LIONS Club Zürich-City, Zürich, Switzerland, March 14, 2016

Security Solutions For WSNs and Mobile Access. Colloquium at Department of IT Security, Siemens Corporate Technology, Munich, Germany, August 14, 2015

Standardization Activity by UZH in FLAMINGO. Surfsara Visit by FLAMINGO, Amsterdam, Netherlands, July 9, 2015

Tutorial on Two-way Authentication for Tiny Devices. ITU, Study Group 17: Security, Geneva, Switzerland, April 15, 2015

SmartenIT and Beyond. 1st Net-Tech Future Coordination Meeting - Future Internet Cluster Meeting, Brussels, Belgium, October 23, 2014

Die Rolle der UZH innerhalb der ITU-T. ASUT - CS4 Meeting, Bern, Switzerland, September 11, 2014

Internet of Things - Wireless Sensor Networks and Security. Distributed Network Service and Management Laboratory, Computer Science, City College of New York, New York, NY, USA, May 20, 2014

Efficient and Secure Data Transmission in Wireless Sensor Networks. Research Colloquium, SICS Swedish ICT AB, Stockholm, Sweden, October 23, 2013

Efficient Data Transmission in Wireless Sensor Networks. University of Zurich, Department of Informatics, Communication Systems Group, Zurich, Switzerland, January 8, 2013

TinyIPFIX - An efficient Data Transmission Protocol for Wireless Sensor Networks. INF5090 - Advanced topics in Distributed Systems, University of Oslo, Department of Informatics, Group Distributed Multimedia Systems, Oslo, Norway, March 29, 2012

Blutstammzellen-Spende-Activity - Lions helfen Leben spenden. together with Prof. F. Büg, Club Evening LIONS Club Unterschleißheim-Schleißheim, Unterschleißheim, Germany, March 5, 2012

Unsere kleinen Helfer im Alltag - die Sensoren. Club Evening LIONS Club Unterschleißheim-Schleißheim, Germany, April 4, 2011

How to give Feedback and how to write a review?. Lunchmeeting Informatik Frauen Forum (IFF), Technische Universität München, Munich, Germany, February 10, 2011

Our Little Helpers - The Sensors. Lunchmeeting Informatik Frauen Forum (IFF), Technische Universität München, Munich, Germany, January 2010

Presentations Linked to Publications on Conferences, Workshops, and in Standardization Fora

CerDES - Certificateless DTLS-Based Encryption Solution for IEEE 802.15.4 Drone Communications. IEEE 42th Digital Avionics Systems Conference, Barcelona, Spain, October 5, 2023

PSAT - A Package Structure Analyzation Tool to Regain Control of Hijacked Drones. IEEE 42th Digital Avionics Systems Conference, Barcelona, Spain, October 4, 2023

A Combined Link Layer Security Solution for FCI Datalink Technologies. IEEE 42th Digital Avionics Systems Conference, Barcelona, Spain, October 4, 2023

MARTEN: Measurement-Based Trustcheck for Constrained Networks. IEEE 8th World Forum on Internet of Things, Yokohama, Japan, November 3, 2022

Wireless SDN for Highly Utilized MANETs. 15th International Conference on Wireless and Mobile Computing, Networking and Communications, Barcelona, Spain, October 21, 2019

L-Band Digital Aeronautical Communications System (LDACS) Future Communications in Aviation. IETF 104, Pre-BoF PAW - Predictable and Available Wireless, Prague, Czech Republic, March 28, 2019

A 4-step Tool-Chain for IoT Business Model and Sustainability Recommendations. Workshop "Business Model Innovation (BMI) and Socio-Economic Impacts in IoT", IEEE Global Communications Conference (GLOBECOM), Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates, December 9, 2018

Tussle Analysis - A Socio-Economic Assessment for IoT. Keynote at the Workshop "Business Model Innovation (BMI) and Socio-Economic Impacts in IoT", IEEE Global Communications Conference (GLOBECOM), Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates, December 9, 2018

OTIoT - A Browser-based Object Tracking Solution for the Internet of Things. IEEE 4rd World Forum on Internet of Things (WF-IoT 2016), Singapore, Singapore, February 7, 2018

Pull Support for IoT Applications Using Mobile Access Framework WebMaDa. IEEE 3rd World Forum on Internet of Things (WF-IoT 2016), Reston, VA, USA, December 13, 2016

Third-party-independent Data Visualization of Sensor Data in CoMaDa. 12th IEEE International Conference on Wireless and Mobile Computing, Networking and Communications, New York, NY, USA, October 18, 2016

TinyIPFIX for Efficient Data Transmission in Wireless Sensor Networks. 37th NMRG Workshop on Flow-Based Network Management, IETF 93, Prague, Czech Republic, July 24, 2015

WebMaDa: Web-based Mobile Access and Data Handling Framework for Wireless Sensor Networks. International Conference on Networked Systems (NetSys) Demo Session, KiVS, Cottbus, Germany, March 10, 2015

SecureWSN - Secure and Efficient Wireless Sensor Network. CAMINO's 1st Experts Workshop: Reshaping the European Security Research Agenda for 2016-2017, Bern, Switzerland, September 19, 2014

Design Considerations.WG meeting ACE, IETF 90, Toronto, Canada, July 23, 2014

IETF Draft Update. IETF pre-working group ACE meeting, Ericsson, Kista, Sweden, June 3, 2014

Deputy speaker for draft team P.Porambage et al.: Certificate based keying scheme for DTLS secured IoT (Draft Introduction). IETF 88, AA ad-hoc meetings in WG CoRE, Vancouver, Canada, November 3, 2013

DTLS-based Security with Two-way Authentication for IoT (Draft Introduction). IETF 88, AA ad-hoc meeting in WG CoRE, Vancouver, Canada, November 3, 2013

Socially-aware Management of New Overlay Application Traffic with Energy Efficiency in the Internet. Poster Session, CNSM Workshop on Social-aware Economic Traffic Management for Overlay and Cloud Applications (SETM), Zurich, Switzerland, October 18, 2013

CoMaDa: An Adaptive Framework with Graphical Support for Configuration, Management, and Data Handling Tasks for Wireless Sensor Networks. 9th International Conference on Network and Service Management (CNSM), IFIP, Zurich, Switzerland, ISBN: 978-3-901882-53-1, pp. 211-218, October 17, 2013

SmartenIT Consortium, Socially-aware Management of New Overlay Application Traffic with Energy Efficiency in the Internet. Future Internet Assembley, Dublin, Ireland, May 8-10, 2013

A DTLS Based End-To-End Security Architecture for the Internet of Things with Two-Way Authentication. Seventh IEEE International Workshop on Practical Issues in Building Sensor Network Applications (SenseApp) in conjunction with IEEE LCN 2012, Clearwater, FL, USA, October 22, 2012

TinyIPFIX for Home Application - Demonstrator. Workshop: Future Networked IT for Buildings, Technische Universität München, Munich, Germany, May 18, 2011

Collecting Sensor Data using Compressed IPFIX. 9th ACM/IEEE International Conference on Information Processing in Sensor Networks (IPSN), Stockholm, Sweden, April 17, 2010

Gathering Sensor Data in Home Networks with IPFIX. European Conference on Wireless Sensor Networks (EWSN) - LNCS 5970, Coimbra, Portugal, Spain, February 17, 2010

IPFIX for Wireless Sensors in Home Networks. Session HN-3: The Authone Project I, IFIP Wireless Days, Paris, France, December 16, 2009

Data Acquisition in a Wireless Sensor Network for Autonomic Home Networks (work in progress). 4th Summer School on Wireless Sensor Networks (senZations), Ohrid, Republic of Macedonia, September 1-5, 2009

Holistic Approach to Genomics of Human-pathogenic Fungi: Data Warehouse for Integration of Data on Transcriptome, Proteome, and Metabolome of C.albicans and A.fumigatus - Data Analysis and Interpretation. Antragskolloquium der Deutschen Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) Schwerpunktprogramm 1160 Kolonisation und Infektion durch humanpathogene Pilze, Jena, Germany, March 6-7, 2008

M-CHiPS: Universal platform for Microarray Data Interpretation. German Conference of Bioinformatics 2007 (GCB), Potsdam, Germany, September 26-28, 2007

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